As you may know, I love traveling and living in different countries and usually when I am abroad, I keep everyone posted through this blog.

My latest adventure is teaching English in South Korea from November 2010-November 2011. Happy reading!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Shelling of Yeonpyeong

As most of you may have heard, South Korea fell victim to North Korea shelling the island of Yeonpyeong. Yeonpyeong is an island not too far from the North Korea/South Korea border. Two marines died along with two civilians and much damage was caused to houses and buildings on the island.

Below, this map shows where Yeonpyeong island is and I have also marked where I live in Inje and where Incheon International Airport is:

Of course, I'm a little concerned about these actions, but I really don't know what to do. Obviously I'm going to stay here until someone tells me to leave. I have CNN on TV here that's in English, so lately I have been watching that and I always read the Star Tribune online. Everyone says that the western media tends to blow things out of proportion, so I don't know if I'm getting the same news you all are. Either way, I'm going to go about my day teaching and if something else arises, we'll go from there.

This is also a photo of the damage caused by the shelling:


Jen said...

Thinking about you Andrew! Miss you! Let's chat soon!

Andrew said...

Thanks. I'm glad we saw/chatted with each other quickly at Thanksgiving. Hopefully at Christmas time we can try the Skype thing again. Miss you too!