As you may know, I love traveling and living in different countries and usually when I am abroad, I keep everyone posted through this blog.

My latest adventure is teaching English in South Korea from November 2010-November 2011. Happy reading!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

I'm the Only One with Blonde Hair

Last night was another one of my many Korean adventures: getting my haircut. Even something as simple as that in Inje can be a challenge. The place I go the hairdresser doesn't speak English. I have been to him three or four times, so he knows how to cut my hair.

The first couple times, he cut my hair like a 13-year old Korean kid, but this one looks better. I hope my features don't resemble a 13-year old Korean kid. He also doesn't speak English, so I have to communicate to him like I do my 9-year old students: hand motions, noises & sounds and the few Korean words I know. Then later, I thought I could just bring in a picture of myself with the haircut I like, but that would be too easy.

I think another reason why I always go to this guy is because he looks like a Korean John Lennon. I'm not kidding. He is one of the few Koreans that has facial hair; just a small goatee, nothing fancy. But he also has these round glasses that are slightly tinted. His hair is longer and touches his shoulders. It's unreal.

AND, the best part...the haircut is under 10,000 won (just over $9). I don't think you can find that anywhere in The States anymore.

So going back to the title of this blog post, after getting my haircut, I look on the floor and I truly have blonde hair..especially in Korea.

Lame, but simple story.

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